Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daily Blog (3-3-10)

UGH! What is with all this snow!!!!! So now I'm guessing that Memorial Day is out right? =( Definitely not cool, snow machine that seems to linger over Mathews. Go choke on a cookie... and not a nice warm sugar/choco chip cookie... a nasty, doesn't-taste-right oatmeal raisin cookie... and those aren't raisins =)

Anyway! I got caught up in a series that I started my sophomore year, but never bothered to finish. It's called The Kiesha'ra by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. It's about shapeshifters, almost like the Anamorphs that everyone used to read when my generation were in middle school. =) Pretty cool stuff! I'm on the second book, Snakecharm, which comes after Hawksong.

You know? I could swear that my Biology teacher hates me... I'm not going to name them, but my gosh! She must have a burr up her butt, like every single day! She eavesdrops on my conversations and then gives her very out-of-place and not needed opinion on the whole subject. I almost want to turn around and tell her that her days in the life of a teenager were EONS a long time ago.... like... dinosaur times...okay! okay! Maybe I shouldn't be so mean but come on! She had her time as a teen. Let us have our time... in peace!

Okay =) I'm off my soap box. Ranting is a good outlet and so is blogging! Yay for blogging!! =D


  1. Old people are like that Ash... I know cause I am one. :)
    As for the series... would you believe I know what an Anamorph is!!! So maybe I am not dinosaur age.. make old sea turtle age.
    Just think.. just a few more quick months and it will all be over... keep your sights on June honey and no more bio teacher.

  2. Oh I'm so ready to get out!! Ugh! Some of the kids at the high school are really starting to get on my nerves... Only a few more months. Thank goodness!


Note: Please don't be rude or crass. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all!

About Me

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I live in a small little place called Mathews with my mom, dad, three obnoxious brothers, two cats, and two dogs.