Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daily Blog (3-3-10)

UGH! What is with all this snow!!!!! So now I'm guessing that Memorial Day is out right? =( Definitely not cool, snow machine that seems to linger over Mathews. Go choke on a cookie... and not a nice warm sugar/choco chip cookie... a nasty, doesn't-taste-right oatmeal raisin cookie... and those aren't raisins =)

Anyway! I got caught up in a series that I started my sophomore year, but never bothered to finish. It's called The Kiesha'ra by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. It's about shapeshifters, almost like the Anamorphs that everyone used to read when my generation were in middle school. =) Pretty cool stuff! I'm on the second book, Snakecharm, which comes after Hawksong.

You know? I could swear that my Biology teacher hates me... I'm not going to name them, but my gosh! She must have a burr up her butt, like every single day! She eavesdrops on my conversations and then gives her very out-of-place and not needed opinion on the whole subject. I almost want to turn around and tell her that her days in the life of a teenager were EONS a long time ago.... like... dinosaur times...okay! okay! Maybe I shouldn't be so mean but come on! She had her time as a teen. Let us have our time... in peace!

Okay =) I'm off my soap box. Ranting is a good outlet and so is blogging! Yay for blogging!! =D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Daily Blog (3-2-10)

Oh wow! Today was AWESOME!!! =) I got to hang out with my best friend right before school and right after and a few minutes in between each class today. I got to see his mom after school too! =)Much better day considering the near-death experience yesterday and all... lol =)

God Bless <3

Monday, March 1, 2010

Burnt to a Crisp!

Another near-death experience

Oh wow... Today was one of the more interesting days I've had in a while. It all ended with my most recent "near-death" experience... My mom told me to go "fire up the grill" so we could cook the hot dogs for dinner right? Okay! So I got outside to turn the grill on and turn all three knobs to the "lighting" position. I press the ignition buttion and nothing happens. So I walk back inside (mind you that the grill is still on...) to get a lighter that my dad's using to light the fire in the wood stove. I grab it and run outside to go light the grill (which is still on...) I lift the grill plate so I can get a better angle. I fire up the lighter and stick it in the grill...
I scared the mess out of myself! The flames covered my head and my arms! I jumped back while screaming because I thought I was on fire right? Oh boy! I run back inside and start freaking out! I can smell the burnt hair from my arms and head (parts of my eyebrows and some of the few eyelashes I have...). I finally calm down after my dad goes out to finish the grill (turning each knob one at a time...).

Near death experiences are not fun... especially when you lose some hair over it. :(

(By the way! Burnt hair is the worst smell in HISTORY!!! Not even baby/horse/dog poo smells worse.... and that says something...)

About Me

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I live in a small little place called Mathews with my mom, dad, three obnoxious brothers, two cats, and two dogs.