Anyway! I got caught up in a series that I started my sophomore year, but never bothered to finish. It's called The Kiesha'ra by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. It's about shapeshifters, almost like the Anamorphs that everyone used to read when my generation were in middle school. =) Pretty cool stuff! I'm on the second book, Snakecharm, which comes after Hawksong.
You know? I could swear that my Biology teacher hates me... I'm not going to name them, but my gosh! She must have a burr up her butt, like every single day! She eavesdrops on my conversations and then gives her very out-of-place and not needed opinion on the whole subject. I almost want to turn around and tell her that her days in the life of a teenager were
Okay =) I'm off my soap box. Ranting is a good outlet and so is blogging! Yay for blogging!! =D